Cleanliness of the building, stairs and common areas
As much as cleaning the inside of the house is important, cleaning the building, cleaning the stairs, cleaning the parking lot and washing the building yard are also important. If the building is not cleaned, pollution from outside enters the house. Especially in apartment living, due to the high traffic of people in the common areas, the possibility of spreading this pollution increases, so special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the building.

One of the concerns of apartment dwellers and of course building managers is the timely and correct cleaning of the parking lot and common areas of the building. Building cleaning services include common area cleaning, elevator cleaning, building shooting cleaning, yard cleaning and garden cleaning. Undoubtedly, the cleaning and cleaning of places such as stairs in an apartment that are constantly exposed to traffic and used by all people in the building, should be done by a professional building cleaner. In the following, we will introduce the best building cleaning company and the factors affecting the price of cleaning the staircase and building commons and the price of building cleaning.

Step-by-step guide to cleaning the staircase and common areas of the building
To clean the building, before any action, you should prepare suitable detergents. To choose a detergent, we must pay attention to the materials used in the common areas of the building. A detergent must be used in cleaning the building that does not harm the building materials. For example, acid detergents and salt ink should not be used to clean the parking lot of the building. Because these acidic detergents severely corrode building stones and destroy the color and polish of stone and ceramics, which will cost you money for grinding the stone.

Cleaning the parking lot and common areas includes cleaning all stairs, fences, entrance door and parking door, elevator and all switches and sockets. In the cleaning of the staircase or the general cleaning of the building, we should pay attention to where and in what order the worker should do the cleaning. Usually, the cleaning of the building begins with sweeping the stairs from top to bottom, then sweeping the yard and parking lot, cleaning the elevator cabin and fences, and finally collecting the garbage in the trash can.

The right time to clean the staircase, parking lot and common space
It is definitely not an easy task to plan building cleaning, elevator and parking lot cleaning for a special day that is suitable for all members of the apartment. The best way is to set a day between fixed time intervals. In this way, everyone is aware of the cleaning program of the building. Definitely, on this day, they will reduce the number of trips, so that the building cleaner can easily clean the staircase, elevator and other things.

Is the cleaning of an office building different from a residential one?
When it comes to cleaning the building, the use of the building does not change the work process. In general, the general cleaning and cleaning services of office and commercial buildings follow a general rule. Except that in residential building cleaning, roof and parking lot cleaning may also be added to other matters. Also, due to the high traffic of people in office buildings, the cleaning of the common areas and the cleaning of the apartment elevator should be done in shorter time intervals.

What is included in cleaning the apartment staircase and cleaning the common areas of the building?
The first step in cleaning common areas is to sweep the entire staircase. Normally, sweeping the stairs should start from the upper floors of the building downwards. Finally, it will be completed by sweeping, cleaning the parking lot and the yard. The next step is to clean the common area, taking turns to wear t-shirts and napkins, and cleaning the fences of the building.

Cleaning the stair railings is also part of the building cleaner's duties for apartment staircase cleaning. All parts of the fence must be completely washed and dried. The windows must be completely cleaned from the inside of the building and, if possible, from the outside. Cleaning and cleaning the roof and cleaning the yard are also part of the cleaning of the building if needed.

What things should the building cleaner observe to clean the building?
For each floor, the bucket of water should be changed and the tee should be washed completely, so that no soil or dirt remains on the floor after drying. At the end, the ground should dry well. Washing and cleaning the common wall should be done with clean cloths and water and tide solution.
The cleaning of the elevator should be done with a damp cloth and avoid getting the water hose on the elevator equipment, because there is a possibility of damage to the elevator and damage to the elevator board.
In order to clean the staircase windows and clean the building and the parking lot, the dirt on the windows must be taken well. Then newspaper and glass cleaner solution are used for further cleaning.
Acidic detergents should never be used to remove strong stains during parking lot cleaning and elevator cleaning, because they cause surface corrosion. The best solution is to use some salt, baking soda and Tide. Get the job done safely by choosing an experienced cleaning company that knows all of these things.
What tools are needed to clean the building?

It is the customer's responsibility to provide detergents and washing tools such as brooms and tees. If a stool is needed while cleaning the walls and windows, it must be provided by the employer to the building cleaner.

Before the arrival of the common cleaners, prepare the necessary detergents, brooms, napkins, newspapers, salt glass and multi-purpose napkins. To get to work as soon as they arrive.

How to find a professional building cleaner?
It is always a question of reliability, in the mind of applicants of the building cleaning force. First of all, the reliability of the person we hire for building cleaning services or even indoor cleaning is very important. In the next level, the skill of the person is raised. Of course, when you accidentally and out of necessity let someone into your home environment, there will be no assurance behind this case. If anything happens, you have to take responsibility for everything and your hands are not tied anywhere.

Instead of all these risks, we suggest that you ask for help from our cleaning service company. In this way, you will have reliable, committed and of course skilled people by your side, and in case of any dissatisfaction, you can contact our support.

Why choose us as a cleaning service company?
Our company has hired experts in this field with a completely professional approach. Therefore, the people who are sent to you for cleaning the building or cleaning the common space are people with confirmed and committed work experience. These people are fully trained and justified in matters related to cleaning the building and cleaning the stairs and common areas, and they are ready to provide services at all hours of the day and night.

How is the price of cleaning stairs and common areas calculated in us?
The price of building cleaning depends on many things. First of all, the criteria for calculating the price of building cleaning is the number of floors and parking. So that every 4 floors and one parking lot are calculated in a fixed way, and if the number of floors and units increases, the price of cleaning the stairs and common areas will increase. Also, if there is a need to clean the roof, yard, or wash the common walls, a fixed amount will be added to the cost of cleaning the building for each of these measures. Another thing is that if there is a need to wash the front door and clean the garden, it will be added to the price of cleaning the stairs and common areas.

The price of building cleaning in the building service company is considered according to the area of ​​each space. The characteristics of the building play a decisive role in the price of cleaning the building and the salary of the cleaning worker. In order to estimate the cost of cleaning the staircase, these items are emphasized in the building specifications: