Laminate parquet

Laminate flooring (in English: Laminate flooring) is a type of flooring that is called laminate flooring, laminate flooring, or parquet laminate flooring. Today, this flooring is used not only in many homes but also in many office and business centers. including: banks and financial institutions, boutiques, small and large stores, offices and real estate companies, cultural and artistic centers, companies, restaurants and fast foods, educational institutions, scientific and research centers, airline agency offices and ...

This flooring has become so popular and popular in the world today that it is even referred to as the best or most beautiful flooring in many interior decoration and architecture magazines and publications.

Is laminate or parquet flooring better?

Wooden parquet was a wood flooring that was used a lot in the past. But due to its disadvantages, the use of parquet decreased over time because this flooring was cut and made from natural wood layers of trees and was vulnerable to various natural factors.

In terms of the appearance of these two floors, they are very similar to each other, but their materials and manufacturing methods are completely different. Laminate parquet has many advantages over wooden parquet (abbreviated as parquet), such as greater resistance to heat, heat, water and moisture, surface scratches and other factors that make this flooring last longer, as well as a cheaper price.

On the other hand, in addition to high durability and durability, it was necessary to cut down trees to produce parquet flooring, but because laminate flooring is made of various composite materials, there is no need to cut trees indiscriminately, and at the same time, it has a variety of designs and colors. It is very diverse and beautiful. So, if you want to use a beautiful and eye-catching flooring in your workplace or home, laminate parquet will meet your needs well and will give a very beautiful effect to your workplace or residence.

What is the production process of laminate parquet?

Laminate floor is produced from different materials that actually make up its layers and each layer is made of special materials and finally they are pressed together. All stages of manufacturing and production of laminate parquet are done in factories and they are mainly made of MDF (Medium density fiberboard) or HDF (High density fiberboard) materials. In comparison, the production process of laminate parquet is a little longer than the production of wooden parquet, but in return, a higher quality and more durable product is obtained, the production of which does not put much pressure on the environment, and its purchase is also affordable for consumers in terms of price. It is much more affordable.

Each of the parts of this flooring, which are usually rectangular or square, is called "tile". When installing a laminate floor, each tile must be carefully connected to each other to form the floor surface.


What is the difference between installing laminate parquet and wooden parquet?

One of the most important advantages of laminate floors compared to wooden parquets is the method of installing their tiles, which is much easier. After emptying the desired space, the installer places the packages containing the tiles in that environment for a while (usually twenty-four to forty-eight hours) and starts connecting the tiles after the basic infrastructure. Parquet laminate tiles have ridges and depressions that are called "clicks" and the installer connects the tiles by connecting them to each other.

But previously, glue was needed to install wooden parquet tiles, and the work of installers was much more difficult at that time. Especially since the installation of wooden parquets required precise foundations, and after finishing the work and gluing the parts using adhesives, it required subbing and varnishing, which was done some time after the adhesives of these floorings dried. The installer had to continue this work until all the posts and elevations were completely taken. Therefore, later on, if a part of the wooden parquet tiles were damaged or scratched, it was very difficult and sometimes impossible to install a new tile.

But today, the laminate floor is not only easily installed, but if any of the tiles are damaged, they can be easily replaced.

What are the advantages of using parquet laminate flooring?

If we want to generally check the advantages of buying laminate parquet and installing it compared to other flooring, we can mention the following:

• The price is right

• Variety of designs, colors and 2D and 3D types

• Various applications in residential, administrative, commercial, educational, cultural, artistic centers, etc.

• Creating a more modern and beautiful effect in the environment

• Proper reflection of light

• The possibility of changing the tiles if needed

• Ability to move to other places in case of moving

• Easy to wash and hygienic

• Non-polluting and environmentally friendly

• Durability and durability

• Resistance to abrasion, heat, heat, water and moisture, etc.

• Can be installed in all rooms or halls of the house

Due to these mentioned advantages, using this type of flooring is becoming more popular all over the world day by day. Especially the German Verox Floor laminate parquet, which is made using the most advanced technologies of this country in its factories in Europe and is delivered to us through the Versan Veriyeri company in Turkey, which we are proud to sell this first-class German product in Iran. We respect the authority of our compatriots.